Update #5 – It is really a class!

Again a short update. Since last update, I am now in the last part of Section 9. This section is about Interface, Inner- and Abstract classes. Not too difficult, but doing every challenge yourself really takes time. But I learn a lot from doing it myself every time, so I keep at it.

Why a short update? Well, as said I do this course beside my work and my social life. And especially work is really busy. Last week I helped organise the first ‘hackweek’ of my newly formed department. A hackweek is a full week dedicated for Learning and R&D. So you can do a personal training on a topic of your interest, organise a hackaton, share knowledge with colleagues etc… I am really happy KLM allows for a lot of time for Learning and R&D, not only on paper but also with initiatives like the hackweek.

Another busy topic at work is the monthly PI planning next week (if you are interested: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/pi-planning/). This always takes substantial time to prepare and assure that it runs smoothly.

The result: with some other personal and social obligations (a funeral, weekly tennis, theatre, band practice), there was not much time to focus on my road to Java greatness. More and more I have to conclude I am really doing like a school class (not a Java class). I have to accept it will take considerate effort and lead-time to finish it. I am still persistent and convinced I will make it to the end, but it will take for sure several more months. Now up to finishing section 9 and then section 10 about Java Generics 🙂